Updated Cover Image + Other Announcements

Hello everyone! Just a small devlog announcement post. I made a new cover image for this game project. It definitely looks a lot better than my last quick and dirty put something together for release. I am planning to do more changes in the future for other various images as well like background, newer screenshots for the game, 

The next version for the game is ready to be released with the new level and a few small changes to the main menu. My original plan was to release it by June 14th for this update but it can come sooner! I am still waiting for itch.io support to get back to me so I can upload larger than 1 GB file size limit. Don't know how long that usually takes...

I might be looking to do a long-form discussions about my process when designing this game. If I do, I have to write the full process how it all started since April 2024 up to now... it will be a lengthy post. I might also look to post a video too about this too talking about the same thing.

As usual, if you see this post and tried out this game, I do appreciate feedback and/or suggestions! 

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